hi blog
I'm starting to let cynical logic take over me. I perceive people and their words differently, not the same as before.
This is bad. Its turning me into a cold and calculative being.
This is good though. I see right through now... right through.
bye blog
Saturday, August 27, 2011
hi blog
Spent the whole day out with my good friend on monday. When to beach road to buy army related stuff. I thought $20 was enough, ended up the uncle pushed us so much goods that I spent all my $50 on it lol.
We're suppose to meet up with more people for a "enlistment + birthday" dinner for my friend, but oh well, they have more important things to do. Ended up with a dinner for 2, agony. But we enjoyed the dinner, talked a lot. I was expecting us to run out of things to say and leave in an hour or so, but ended up to be a long dinner. I guess we're just spending as much time as possible before he enlist. My turn's coming soon! :(
On another topic.
I've been sleeping very late recently (its 5am right now). I've totally lost the drive to do anything meaningful. Stopped running, stopped exercising frequently, stopped helping out in certain matters, and stopping to do anything good for people. I'm tired of my efforts being throw and spitted down into the drain. I genuinely and sincerely try to do my best in organising things. I try hard to make things work but theres always a kink here or there. Sometimes, a part of me tells me that its a waste of time, but I try again and again. Now I'm just tired, gave up.
Spent the whole day out with my good friend on monday. When to beach road to buy army related stuff. I thought $20 was enough, ended up the uncle pushed us so much goods that I spent all my $50 on it lol.
We're suppose to meet up with more people for a "enlistment + birthday" dinner for my friend, but oh well, they have more important things to do. Ended up with a dinner for 2, agony. But we enjoyed the dinner, talked a lot. I was expecting us to run out of things to say and leave in an hour or so, but ended up to be a long dinner. I guess we're just spending as much time as possible before he enlist. My turn's coming soon! :(
On another topic.
I've been sleeping very late recently (its 5am right now). I've totally lost the drive to do anything meaningful. Stopped running, stopped exercising frequently, stopped helping out in certain matters, and stopping to do anything good for people. I'm tired of my efforts being throw and spitted down into the drain. I genuinely and sincerely try to do my best in organising things. I try hard to make things work but theres always a kink here or there. Sometimes, a part of me tells me that its a waste of time, but I try again and again. Now I'm just tired, gave up.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Screw it
hi blog
Yea yea yea, I know. I've been lost for a while.
Anyway, screw it I can't pass my 2.4km. I'm going to PTP.
"Can't pass NAPFA test
Two more weeks till PTP
Tekong awaits me"
NS Pre-enlistee Haiku.
Update next time, if I don't lose myself again...
bye blog
Yea yea yea, I know. I've been lost for a while.
Anyway, screw it I can't pass my 2.4km. I'm going to PTP.
"Can't pass NAPFA test
Two more weeks till PTP
Tekong awaits me"
NS Pre-enlistee Haiku.
Update next time, if I don't lose myself again...
bye blog
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Be still
hi blog
Most of my friends enlisted last week. Even more reasons to train harder and pass Napfa. Procrastination is a bitch -_-.
Its surprising how someone you know changes their view/opinion/behaviors so quickly. It is as if you've not known that person before. Hmm, are they the ones changing? Or am I the one not changing?
bye blog
Most of my friends enlisted last week. Even more reasons to train harder and pass Napfa. Procrastination is a bitch -_-.
Its surprising how someone you know changes their view/opinion/behaviors so quickly. It is as if you've not known that person before. Hmm, are they the ones changing? Or am I the one not changing?
bye blog
Monday, June 6, 2011
hi blog
Yo ho-ho!
Pirates of the Carribean Trilogy on blu-ray? Awesome shit.
Me eyes are mighty tired right now, shiver me timbers.
Gonna catch some sleep. Blog another time.
bye blog
Yo ho-ho!
Pirates of the Carribean Trilogy on blu-ray? Awesome shit.
Me eyes are mighty tired right now, shiver me timbers.
Gonna catch some sleep. Blog another time.
bye blog
Friday, June 3, 2011
hi blog
I am jobless thus I have a lot of free time.
I read on things during my free time.
I read about things that enlighten me once in a while.
Yes. As the title suggests, I've read up a little on cynicism. Gonna live the life with less desires and expectations. Don't expect people to like you or do anything for you. No one cares about you. If everyone in the world were to hold hands, they would form a gigantic asshole that would drag your soul into it.
Be a cynic today. Live a happy life with no disappointments. The world doesn't revolves around you or anyone. Lets put our egos aside and chill out like a bro.
bye blog
I am jobless thus I have a lot of free time.
I read on things during my free time.
I read about things that enlighten me once in a while.
Yes. As the title suggests, I've read up a little on cynicism. Gonna live the life with less desires and expectations. Don't expect people to like you or do anything for you. No one cares about you. If everyone in the world were to hold hands, they would form a gigantic asshole that would drag your soul into it.
Be a cynic today. Live a happy life with no disappointments. The world doesn't revolves around you or anyone. Lets put our egos aside and chill out like a bro.
bye blog
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Politics versus Policy Making
hi blog
The Singapore General Elections will be held on 7 May 2011. I am 1 year short to be entitled to a polling slip. Even though I am not able to vote in this coming election, I have been following up on political news.
I read this "note" on Facebook by someone named Daryl Yong (http://www.facebook.com/notes/daryl-yong/my-thoughts-on-ge2011/10150276681229152). He explained things clearly and provided a very good analysis on certain policies which the Opposition parties support/plan to propose. Very pragmatic views. He definitely wrote it clearheaded-ly instead of having irrational feelings involved.
Worth a read to REALLY KNOW MORE about the real situation.
Heres a quote:
"To the opposition and those who support the opposition, I have a short message for you here, before I move on to discussing why I might vote for you. Please do not try to cheat reality. You cannot lower the cost of living by making it more expensive to do business. (Foreign workers) If a worker is worth $4 an hour, you cannot make him worth $5: he will not be hired if he can only be hired at $5. (Minimum wage) You cannot want public transport to improve, and at the same time make it less profitable for people to improve public transport. You cannot claim to respect private property but at the same time take property away from successful Singaporeans for the sole reason of making other people happy. No matter how sincere you are, how well intentioned you are, please do not try to cheat reality because you cannot."
I feel voters should think and rationalise before voting. However, most people do not know the difference between Politics and Policy Making. I am more interested in Policies than Politics really. I dont care who is in power as long as he does a good job.
Politics is about POWER. It is about how to enter the parliment, how to be a king, how to consolidate POWER over people. Usually it includes being super nice to people, introduce policies which APPEARS to help the voters (eg. Minimum wage laws, welfare packages)so that the candidate can be popular and receive the most amount of votes thus fufilling their main objective. Basically it is equivalent to 2 children crying and whining to gain the favour of the parent. Drama-mama.
Policy Making is about (duuhhh) making policies! A good policy maker will NOT care about what the people feel about the policy as long as it do GOOD to the country's progress. Simplicity is important in a good policy as maintaining it will be costly if it is too complicated (eg. 101 exceptions to certain taxation laws). I feel that the best type of governance is the less governance the better. Less red tape = less government spending = less reasons for taxation = less stress on people and ya da ya da, which eventually will lead to eternal happiness (lul). I want a government that doesn't intrude into my life all the time with stressful taxes, discriminating laws and policies.
I'm really torn between WP & PAP in Aljunied. But I think WP might win Aljunied over and if that happens, George Yeo would be out of a job! Why can't PAP consolidate all the bad MPs in one GRC and let the opposition and the voters send them off in one grand farewell?!!! This GRC system is very bad... Ok, we shall see what happens on May 7th. Its gonna be an epic day in Singapore's political history...
ps. I'm too lazy to continue so I shall stop soon.
bye blog
The Singapore General Elections will be held on 7 May 2011. I am 1 year short to be entitled to a polling slip. Even though I am not able to vote in this coming election, I have been following up on political news.
I read this "note" on Facebook by someone named Daryl Yong (http://www.facebook.com/notes/daryl-yong/my-thoughts-on-ge2011/10150276681229152). He explained things clearly and provided a very good analysis on certain policies which the Opposition parties support/plan to propose. Very pragmatic views. He definitely wrote it clearheaded-ly instead of having irrational feelings involved.
Worth a read to REALLY KNOW MORE about the real situation.
Heres a quote:
"To the opposition and those who support the opposition, I have a short message for you here, before I move on to discussing why I might vote for you. Please do not try to cheat reality. You cannot lower the cost of living by making it more expensive to do business. (Foreign workers) If a worker is worth $4 an hour, you cannot make him worth $5: he will not be hired if he can only be hired at $5. (Minimum wage) You cannot want public transport to improve, and at the same time make it less profitable for people to improve public transport. You cannot claim to respect private property but at the same time take property away from successful Singaporeans for the sole reason of making other people happy. No matter how sincere you are, how well intentioned you are, please do not try to cheat reality because you cannot."
I feel voters should think and rationalise before voting. However, most people do not know the difference between Politics and Policy Making. I am more interested in Policies than Politics really. I dont care who is in power as long as he does a good job.
Politics is about POWER. It is about how to enter the parliment, how to be a king, how to consolidate POWER over people. Usually it includes being super nice to people, introduce policies which APPEARS to help the voters (eg. Minimum wage laws, welfare packages)so that the candidate can be popular and receive the most amount of votes thus fufilling their main objective. Basically it is equivalent to 2 children crying and whining to gain the favour of the parent. Drama-mama.
Policy Making is about (duuhhh) making policies! A good policy maker will NOT care about what the people feel about the policy as long as it do GOOD to the country's progress. Simplicity is important in a good policy as maintaining it will be costly if it is too complicated (eg. 101 exceptions to certain taxation laws). I feel that the best type of governance is the less governance the better. Less red tape = less government spending = less reasons for taxation = less stress on people and ya da ya da, which eventually will lead to eternal happiness (lul). I want a government that doesn't intrude into my life all the time with stressful taxes, discriminating laws and policies.
I'm really torn between WP & PAP in Aljunied. But I think WP might win Aljunied over and if that happens, George Yeo would be out of a job! Why can't PAP consolidate all the bad MPs in one GRC and let the opposition and the voters send them off in one grand farewell?!!! This GRC system is very bad... Ok, we shall see what happens on May 7th. Its gonna be an epic day in Singapore's political history...
ps. I'm too lazy to continue so I shall stop soon.
bye blog
Friday, April 22, 2011
First Movement
hi blog
Lately, I've rekindled my interest in Classical music. Been listening to some piano and orchestra symphony pieces. Played a few guitar-translated versions and it was very fun :).
I'm enlisting on 8 Sept 2011. I should really pass my napfa.
I think its time to do something for myself instead of worrying about others' lives. Gonna focus and be motivated in what I do. Time for isolation. No more time wasting.
bye blog
Lately, I've rekindled my interest in Classical music. Been listening to some piano and orchestra symphony pieces. Played a few guitar-translated versions and it was very fun :).
I'm enlisting on 8 Sept 2011. I should really pass my napfa.
I think its time to do something for myself instead of worrying about others' lives. Gonna focus and be motivated in what I do. Time for isolation. No more time wasting.
bye blog
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
hi blog
Its been long since I watched a drama movie. So I decided to try out a movie written & directed by Josh Radnor (aka Ted from How I Met Your Mother). I usually do not like drama movies because of their cheesy dialogues and unrealistic plot events. However, "happythankyoumoreplease" was surprisingly good!
The dialogues were "mildy" cheesy but still carried an adorable bit of humour. I personally loved the scenes of the show, mostly small areas like an office or a cafe or an apartment, very "true" to the "New Yorker's" lifestyle. The acting was realistic, no over the top drama queeny crap. And I still can't believe Malin Akerman shaved off her eyebrows just for the show! I mean, shes a (super, considered super) model! Yeah, and one of the actress have very beautiful blue eyes (heh, i'm a sucker for eyes :P).
Ok time to sleep (3AM now. Good morning)!
bye blog
Its been long since I watched a drama movie. So I decided to try out a movie written & directed by Josh Radnor (aka Ted from How I Met Your Mother). I usually do not like drama movies because of their cheesy dialogues and unrealistic plot events. However, "happythankyoumoreplease" was surprisingly good!
The dialogues were "mildy" cheesy but still carried an adorable bit of humour. I personally loved the scenes of the show, mostly small areas like an office or a cafe or an apartment, very "true" to the "New Yorker's" lifestyle. The acting was realistic, no over the top drama queeny crap. And I still can't believe Malin Akerman shaved off her eyebrows just for the show! I mean, shes a (super, considered super) model! Yeah, and one of the actress have very beautiful blue eyes (heh, i'm a sucker for eyes :P).
Ok time to sleep (3AM now. Good morning)!
bye blog
Friday, April 8, 2011
Phone entry
hello blog
Typing this post down using my phone. Badass Android phone, on ebuddy, music playing "Only Love" by Trademark and... on Facebook. Epic multitasker. Dont have to spend a bomb on an iPhone and still get quality user experience!
Anyway, Im still alive... or just breathing. Been lazying around the house ever since the end of my secondary school friends chalet. 2 weeks already? Damn time is passing so fast and quietly, you'll think time is like a ninja.
Watched a bunch of movies at home. Inception, The Mechanic, and Letters from Iwo Jima. I loved Letters from Iwo Jima. I cant stop getting teary eyes when I watch war movies. The emotions of the soldiers, the helplessness of the soldiers, wondering if they will ever have the chance to see their family members again... is too much for me to bear. I respect every soldier who had fought honourably for their country, be it if they were of the Axis or the Allied forces during World War 2.
Hah, why the hell am I talking about this. Not many people from my generation gives a shit about history and war. Our ancestors sacrificed themselves so that we dont have to. Sometimes I think I should go and experience some real life shit...
Haha wtf. Phone entry ended up being a long chunk of meaningless shit.
bye blog
Typing this post down using my phone. Badass Android phone, on ebuddy, music playing "Only Love" by Trademark and... on Facebook. Epic multitasker. Dont have to spend a bomb on an iPhone and still get quality user experience!
Anyway, Im still alive... or just breathing. Been lazying around the house ever since the end of my secondary school friends chalet. 2 weeks already? Damn time is passing so fast and quietly, you'll think time is like a ninja.
Watched a bunch of movies at home. Inception, The Mechanic, and Letters from Iwo Jima. I loved Letters from Iwo Jima. I cant stop getting teary eyes when I watch war movies. The emotions of the soldiers, the helplessness of the soldiers, wondering if they will ever have the chance to see their family members again... is too much for me to bear. I respect every soldier who had fought honourably for their country, be it if they were of the Axis or the Allied forces during World War 2.
Hah, why the hell am I talking about this. Not many people from my generation gives a shit about history and war. Our ancestors sacrificed themselves so that we dont have to. Sometimes I think I should go and experience some real life shit...
Haha wtf. Phone entry ended up being a long chunk of meaningless shit.
bye blog
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Genting Trip: Day 1 (Part 1)
hi blog
Like I said, Genting trip with WSS mates was fun. Gonna post up some photos now.
Day 1 (3rd March):
Woke up at 4am, messaged everybody and packed my bags. Did some final checks, slugged on my camera bag and pulled my luggage down to the car. Dad drove and mum tagged along. Went over to get J, then headed off to the rendezvous point.
We were early with HJ and his girlfriend already there. W, YK, JY, N and A reached (in that order, if i'm not wrong). Sat around at the kopitiam while waiting for the coach (which was... waiting for us lol).
The driver came over and bring us to the coach. He was skin-head bald, wearing a clean blue shirt with black long pants and a glove. For the moment I thought he was some Asian "Transporter" or something lol. Ok, got up onto the coach and we were all stunned for a while. The coach was badass and full of awesome comfort. Big chair, tv screen and lots of leg room. Everybody took their seats, I sat between W & Jess on the back row. And off we go on the way to Genting!
Reach Yong Peng at around 12 noon. Toilet break, walked around for 20 over minutes and then continued on the coach trip. The coach's suspension was so good that I didn't even feel giddy while the coach took long and sharp winding bends up Genting. We got to the Bus terminal at around 2pm.
HJ checking in like a superstar
YK & N
Why are we waiting...
Yeap, first thing we do is this...
So we've reached First World Hotel. Nothing very First World about it if you ask me. But anyway, we settled down and dumped our luggage in the room. Some of us were getting hungry so we all went out in search of glorious food... which was pretty hard, everything is either closed (at 3pm wtf?) or found in Singapore! After some dilly-dally-ing, we finally decided on having Malaysia's very own: MaryBrown. Okay, wasn't as glorious (delicious) as I've expected... (Ugh ok in fact, it was not). Went back to the hotel and slacked for an hour before getting our lazy asses up to go to the mushroom farm. Went to the reception desk and ask about the farm. Got a number from them, called and a mini-bus appeared magically like a gift from the fairy-god mother. Hopped on and headed to the mushroom farm... Okay. Its 3am. I'm tired... Yawn. I'll continue tomorrow... or maybe other day (procrastinate)...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
hi blog
Back from 3D2N of Genting. Awesome trip. Good climate, great fun, great company :). Anyway I'll blog about that in the next few post. Not really in the mood or have the time to do it.
Had a few intelligent conversations with a few friends over MSN just now, feels refreshed. Hardly have such conversation anymore.
Gradnight's tomorrow, not going. Feels weird. Dont know why.
bye blog
Back from 3D2N of Genting. Awesome trip. Good climate, great fun, great company :). Anyway I'll blog about that in the next few post. Not really in the mood or have the time to do it.
Had a few intelligent conversations with a few friends over MSN just now, feels refreshed. Hardly have such conversation anymore.
Gradnight's tomorrow, not going. Feels weird. Dont know why.
bye blog
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Triple Misses
hi blog
They say that if you missed something once it is ok.
Twice? It might be just bad luck.
Thrice? You suck.
So apparently I missed 3 epic face-melting performances on February.
1. Eric Clapton
2. Iron Maiden
3. Eagles
Totally regretted not going to Eagles' Concert. Feels like slapping myself for missing it. Ok I'm making a promise here, if Eagles would come back again... I'll definitely go this time!!!
bye blog
They say that if you missed something once it is ok.
Twice? It might be just bad luck.
Thrice? You suck.
So apparently I missed 3 epic face-melting performances on February.
1. Eric Clapton
2. Iron Maiden
3. Eagles
Totally regretted not going to Eagles' Concert. Feels like slapping myself for missing it. Ok I'm making a promise here, if Eagles would come back again... I'll definitely go this time!!!
bye blog
End of IAP
hi blog
Hurray for the end of IAP!
IAP was hell of a good experience for me. Working in a tech startup, all foreigners and IN NUS is totally awesome. Bet no one else had the same experiences as me (muwahaha).
The first few days in office was kind of a culture shock for me (considering I'm used to having singaporeans around me). I was not used to interacting with them (mandarin mostly), but I got used to it after a while. In the end, we begin learning more about each other's culture (or whats left of it, lol) and history.
I admit I was a little bit xenophobic at the start but hey, who isn't!? When I tell my friends that I worked in a company with me as the only citizen, their reaction was expectable haha. But really, its not as bad as it seems. In fact it was a very refreshing experience. Working in a startup, where theres not really a defined corporate structure. Carefree and relaxed because everyone is a friend!
And the more awesome part is, I work in NUS! Central hub of all the smarties in Singapore! Hope this won't be my last time visiting NUS... Hais (uni-application...) Haha. And yes, this is my first official job. I've clocked zero seconds in any jobs, nuttah. Had a farewell pizza dinner during my last day and I gave out chocolates to everybody :D!
bye blog
Hurray for the end of IAP!
IAP was hell of a good experience for me. Working in a tech startup, all foreigners and IN NUS is totally awesome. Bet no one else had the same experiences as me (muwahaha).
The first few days in office was kind of a culture shock for me (considering I'm used to having singaporeans around me). I was not used to interacting with them (mandarin mostly), but I got used to it after a while. In the end, we begin learning more about each other's culture (or whats left of it, lol) and history.
I admit I was a little bit xenophobic at the start but hey, who isn't!? When I tell my friends that I worked in a company with me as the only citizen, their reaction was expectable haha. But really, its not as bad as it seems. In fact it was a very refreshing experience. Working in a startup, where theres not really a defined corporate structure. Carefree and relaxed because everyone is a friend!
And the more awesome part is, I work in NUS! Central hub of all the smarties in Singapore! Hope this won't be my last time visiting NUS... Hais (uni-application...) Haha. And yes, this is my first official job. I've clocked zero seconds in any jobs, nuttah. Had a farewell pizza dinner during my last day and I gave out chocolates to everybody :D!
bye blog
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
D minus 8
hi blog
D minus 8. G minus 16.
Nothing much to do now during work. Testings are done, saikangs are done... New interns are here. Another language barrier. Not because of mandarin this time, but english. They do not speak mandarin because they're not Chinese :/. I'm not really good at listening, and not used to explaining things in english now... cos I was explaining and talking to people in mandarin for the past few months. Hope they understand what to do before I leave.
Oh and CNY came and go. 2 Days of CNY is more than enough for a family this small. Haha.
Applying for NUS and NTU. Computer Engineering as my first choice, best of luck. Prefer NUS really, but I'm desperate for any university though. Now starts the agonising wait...
Taking it easy everyday, trying not to think too much about things. Like a robot or something :/. Living by my principles daily as a "working" class is easy man. Just mind my own business and walk.
Anyway, 10 more days till the end of internship. 16 more days till Genting trip with my good friends :).
bye blog
D minus 8. G minus 16.
Nothing much to do now during work. Testings are done, saikangs are done... New interns are here. Another language barrier. Not because of mandarin this time, but english. They do not speak mandarin because they're not Chinese :/. I'm not really good at listening, and not used to explaining things in english now... cos I was explaining and talking to people in mandarin for the past few months. Hope they understand what to do before I leave.
Oh and CNY came and go. 2 Days of CNY is more than enough for a family this small. Haha.
Applying for NUS and NTU. Computer Engineering as my first choice, best of luck. Prefer NUS really, but I'm desperate for any university though. Now starts the agonising wait...
Taking it easy everyday, trying not to think too much about things. Like a robot or something :/. Living by my principles daily as a "working" class is easy man. Just mind my own business and walk.
Anyway, 10 more days till the end of internship. 16 more days till Genting trip with my good friends :).
bye blog
Saturday, January 29, 2011
hi blog
Movies I've watched recently:
The Departed
Forrest Gump
Fight Club
The Social Network
Why do I always watch GOOD movies at home rather than in the cinema? I've been visually fed with shit movies everytime I visit the cinema, shit!
Hate it when people dont appreciate good movies and say that its boring
bye blog
Movies I've watched recently:
The Departed
Forrest Gump
Fight Club
The Social Network
Why do I always watch GOOD movies at home rather than in the cinema? I've been visually fed with shit movies everytime I visit the cinema, shit!
Hate it when people dont appreciate good movies and say that its boring
bye blog
Friday, January 14, 2011
Too much I
hi blog
So much I wish I could
Count on you not to defeat me
Please don't turn away again
Please don't turn me into them
Please don't turn away a friend
Please don't turn me into them
bye blog
So much I wish I could
Count on you not to defeat me
Please don't turn away again
Please don't turn me into them
Please don't turn away a friend
Please don't turn me into them
bye blog
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Part of me
hi blog
Hurhurhur, wheres the new year post?! Happy New Year.
2 More months to the end of Internship, Hurray for Freedom.
...i think i lack empathy :/
bye blog
Hurhurhur, wheres the new year post?! Happy New Year.
2 More months to the end of Internship, Hurray for Freedom.
...i think i lack empathy :/
bye blog
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