Wednesday, April 17, 2013


hi blog

Its been a while, last post was almost a year ago. The previous post was about a sad event and I feel fortunate that this post is not going to be revolving around unhappy things. Yay.

I'm in the service now, so this is just gonna be an update for my "future" self to read:

Enlisted in Hawk Company platoon 3.
Posted to Specialist Cadet School, Delta Company.
Did my professional term in Artillery Institute which had one of my best "cadet" experiences.
Posted to Mandai Hill Camp, 1SIR - the First & Foremost.

Now? Waiting for my ORD - 7 September 2013.

Time passes in a blink of an eye. I was still shouting at mono-intake recruits a few months back, and now I'm working together with them and getting them ready for their future commanders. 

Oh well, a few more months and I'm out of here. I won't say life in unit is tough, but its not pleasant. I think I'll miss my men and colleagues after all the "chiong-sua" we've done together.

I wonder how my old friends are doing. We'd only catch up on rare occasions. Gotta try reconnecting with them before I move on to the next stage of my life.

bye blog