Wednesday, November 5, 2008


hi blog

the US election is gonna be held tomorrow 9am (gmt +8).
too bad i can't watch the live telecast from CNA, i've school :(

i think if either candidate is elected, there will still be another war
i dont know where, but i know there will be
haha, i'm sounding like a prophet now eh?
maybe i should write a book of epic prophecies
and have retards (hopefully) worshipping me
nah, just kidding.

i just hope this new president can stop the o' so unholy crusade
you know what i mean.
first it was the gulf war, then afgan, then iraq
and the MOST coincidental similarities is that, the citizens there
are majority muslim.
i'm not trying to make any point here, don't assume so much
even though US declare that it is a "christian" nation with the "
argh never mind, i can go on and on.

i think if obama gets elected,
it will be even more interesting to live in this so uninteresting (at times)
think that there will be a big change in foreign relations.

BAH, i'm not even american
i don't even like most americans
why the hell am i thinking so much about -their- politics
and less on -our- politics?
like, Singaporean Politics?
erm... hold on for a minute... did i say Singaporean Politics?
is there such a thing? thought it was like M*na****.. erm nvm
(you will know the word if you are imaginative enough...)
i did? oh i really did. just pretend that i didn't say anything
just, just forget what i've just said.
Youuu haveee nooott seen annnyyythiiinggg hereee
Noooott eeeveeen yooouuuu bloggg!

gotta scram
bye blog

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