Friday, December 3, 2010


hi blog

This is probably the last time we would converge in school.

These two and a half years had been a blast for me. Its filled with hits and misses.

Some small & short parts were the highlights of my life in school.
Great times, happenings and friends. As I go through all these wonderful memories in my mind, I can't stop but think about how I met all these wonderful people. Surprising gems, I must say...

However, some memories were filled with regrets and agony. Regrets of not going out and talking to people, making more friends (after much thought, i think i'm better off this way haha). Agony, rather not talk about it.

I'll miss so much about the time I've spent (with my friends) in NYP. I leave with precious memories :). So here I conclude the chapters of my life in NYP. Off to internship and early adulthood. Time will not wait for anybody. Wish me luck on Monday.

bye blog

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